Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Own Hell's Kitchen

Chef Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen the TV show


It might seem odd to you that I have bad "kitchen feelings." They range from batter to waffle. To me the kitchen is a volatile place full of sharp, pointed objects and microwave-operated incinerators. When I pass by I hear strange sounds that go 'crash' - 'whoosh' -'hiss' and 'boohoo'. The kitchen has never been a fun place for me since childhood. It was the place where my mom and dad staged a fight that ended with one of them throwing a toaster across the room at the other. It was the place where my ex-husband and I had a fight that ended with him wrapping a phone cord around my neck. It was the place where my sister cut her finger on a piece of glass so sharp that she required 56 stitches. I have two windows in my kitchen and they are closed up as tight as a drum. "Keep the curtains closed," mother would say, "or someone might see in."

The only good reason I can think of for entering the place in the first place is to get a nice cold beer out of the frig.


dianasfaria.com said...

that's as good a reason as any!

magiceye said...

love your 'good reason'!

Jazz said...

LOL. I like kitchens. Not to cook in - you wouldn't want to let me loose near a stove. But I love the chopping and slicing - though I regularly slice off body parts.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Wow. What a sharp contrast to how I feel about my kitchen. And any kitchen for that matter. Such a central place in the household where bonding should occur (quite the opposite for you). Someone once told me that when we have memories like this that it tied into something specific but hard to avoid, that it is important to create new, positive memories. Easier said than done, I know. It's like creating new memories for those of us that find the holidays hard to bear for various reasons.
Well, I hope you find ways that heal your kitchen wounds...

Joy said...

They are scary kitchen stories, you do right to stay away and keep drinking the cold beer. Seems like sharp objects are the least of your problems though 56 stiches, thats a lot.

Fireblossom said...

Oh my goodness. I see the kitchen as a place of sensual delight, pleasant activity, and most of all, the home of Future Food!

K should be for Krakatoa, that's what I think! Any place that just up and blows itself off the map is a place to be dealt with!

Unknown said...

bad vibes for the kitchen for you, I am deeply sorry. For me it is the opposite and i enjoy it immensely.

Roger Owen Green said...

Sounds traumatic; order in.

Tumblewords: said...

Omigod - I'm stranded among fear, horror and laughter.

Jinksy said...

Enough to give anyone the eebiegeebies, your kitchen tales!

Jay said...

I love the sharp pointy things in my kitchen, I don't much like to cook though. But I do see the kitchen as a warm and friendly place.

Sounds as if you have good reason not to like your kitchen, sadly.

Delwyn said...


you do have bad kitchen memories...what a shame for the kitchen is the heart and soul of the home...where we get our physical and emotional nourishment, where we can be creative and loving and arty...and share...

Happy days

Susan English Mason said...

Everyone, I am learning to love my kitchen. It's just that every once in a while it feels creepy to me. I needed to purge those feelings. Thanks for listening.