Jazz has a game she's playing and I want to play too. Her idea: "We should ask fellow bloggers who wouldn't object to sharing, how they met their significant other and what was it that turned them on, aside from anything obvious. What think you?" I think it's a fun idea.
All she asks you to do is post it and then click on her link above and post a comment so she can read it too.
I met Mr. P on Match.com. That's funny in and of itself, I think. I will never forget the first email I received from him, especially since I saved it and I'll never delete it. He said, "I think you're lovely. I would like to know you better." He sent a picture of himself with the email with his cute little sun roof head, his round glasses, and his sly shit-eating grin. I thought it was very sweet.
At that time in my life, my 13-year-old son had just come to live with me; I was parking my car in all different spots to avoid the repossession henchmen; and I didn't have a computer. I was working in a call center and since I couldn't afford insurance on my car, I took a bus to work. I was at the bus stop at 5:00 AM every morning and I got off at one of the most dangerous bus stops in downtown Phoenix on Van Buren Street, which is known for its prostitutes and drug dealers. Suffice it to say, times were tough.
I was leery of meeting anyone on the Internet so I wouldn't tell him any of my personal information. We did find out that in this very "small" world we live in that we were living within three miles of each other. I remember sitting on my porch talking to him on the phone for hours. The thing that first turned me on was his voice. He has one of the sexiest voices I've ever heard in my life. His voice goes right through me. It touches my heart in a way no one else's does.
I agreed to meet him at a restaurant within walking distance to where I worked. He loves to tell people that we met on "Van Buren." He often jokes that if I'm not good to him, he'll put me back on the street. He has a great sense of humor, and that is one of his best qualities.
He was sitting across the table staring at my boobs. For some reason, it didn't bother me a bit. He finally apologized for staring at my chest. I told him it would probably hurt my feelings if he didn't. We laughed. He walked me out and gave me a light kiss on the lips, and I was in lust. Here is a guy that up to that point, I would have not given a second look.
We dated and soon I was falling hard. We broke it off though because I felt I was spending way too much time away from my son who was 13. I explained to Mr. P how torn I felt. My son's therapist said that I needed to spend more time with Joey. We agreed he wasn't ready for a commitment and I started to move on without him. One day a couple of weeks later, he called me and asked me to go for a walk with him to talk. I agreed. He offered for my son and I to move in with him. He lived with his son and he hoped we could be a family.
I know it's hard to believe but six years later, both of our now grown kids are best buddies. He is retiring next week and I am so proud of him. He gave my son and I a great new life and I'll always be grateful. And the best part is that he doesn't mind when I poke fun of him on my blogs because he is a very confident and strong man.
My advice for anyone looking for the love of their life: Don't judge a book by its cover. If you do, you may just miss out on the love of your life.
What a nice story with a happy ending. You are blessed.
What a wonderful story Pouty. And you're right. The asshole ex was "my type". Mr. Jazz not. Thank god I didn't let that get in the way. Funny enough, my "type" has completely changed... ;-)
I think you have read my blog and the 2 stories of Penny and Mary, both were loves of my life, On the other hand, i am blessed with 7 significant people in my life, who are part of that deepest circle in my heart.
Maybe there will be another, I hope so.
not sappy! i love reading the start of happy endings...
Absolutely don't judge a book by its cover! Ya done good there girl.
Lovely story Pouty. Thank you for sharing it.
I love hearing your story. Yes, never by the cover. And sometimes that cover begins looking might devourable after a quick look at the pages inside!
What a wonderful woman you are. Mr. P sounds not too bad either! This is my first read of your blog. I think I'm hooked. What a great way to start your blogs - alphabetically. Gives you a jumping off point. I'll be back..
You sound like a wonderfully strong, woman with an ability to laugh at yourself, as well as others. Mr. P sounds like a great guy. This is my first visit to your blog. Rest assured, I will be back....
Oh, this was lovely. What a great way for me to end my day. I'm working on my post for Jazz's challenge!
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