Sunday, September 6, 2009

Geezer...As In Old

I apologize for posting late this week. Unfortunately I had a death in the family and have been busy with arrangements and out-of-town company.


Mr. P. is retiring this month after working in government for almost 30 years. As for me, I have another 10 years to go.

He may be an old geezer but he's my old geezer and I love him and wish him a long and healthy retirement.


Snowbrush said...

I'm sorry to hear of the death in your family.

Shadow said...

i'm sorry to hear about your loss...

and geezers? old or not, that ole faithful one beside us is the most important one, right?!

Jazz said...

My condolences and a happy retirement to your geezer!

Susan English Mason said...

Are I am commenting on my own post again! I retired August 1, 2014. Five years early!! Wow!