Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flash Fiction 55

She awoke suddenly to glowing white beckoning her from afar.

She heard whispering.
"Wake up."

Clumsily she got out of bed and sleepily wiped her eyes. Gazing out her window, just above the horizon, was the moon suspended with shadows fleeting and floating in its light.

"Hum a tune. Let's dance."

"Tra, la, la..."
Visit Flash Fiction's G-Man.


Fandango said...

You humans and your romantic stuff.
Great 55
We knew a dragon named Charlie from Michigan. Perhaps you met him.

Our 55 is up

G-Man said...

....Dancin in the Moonlight!

I really liked this 55 Pouty lips.
I really like saying the word Pouty Lips..hehe

Thanks for visiting and playing this week...

Have a Wonderful Week-End...Galen

Gin said...

Beautiful 55. Sounds so mysterious.

Fireblossom said...

Oh I love that! I am always a fan of anything moon-y. This is just marvelous, Pouty.

Woman in a Window said...

God this is fun! You paint a picture and set a stage so succinctly. Don't think I could.

Mona said...

Moon does bring out the romantic side in you! :)

Great 55ve!

Akelamalu said...

Oh yes dancing in the moonlight, very romantic! :)

My 55 is up too.

rokokforex said...

i'm fallingggggggg in loveeee hehehe


Maude Lynn said...

Oh, this is just gorgeous!

Tall Kay said...

I love to dance in the moonlite, in the sand, with the ocean gently crashing to the shore...Wow! Your 55 just took me there! Thanks

Byz. said...

If I like anything in the night sky, it's the moon. The mystery of a moon filled sky is something to dream on. :))

Thanks for visiting me. Eaton.

Pam said...

love the imagery. great job on your 55 :)

Pinkerbell said...

ooo I've never tried this 55 lark - you seem to have got the hang of it nicely. Love the idea of the moon calling you to dance in its shadow!

Unknown said...

one day I will try a 55, but for now what I get, you get. Returning a visit

Delwyn said...

Hi there PL

I'm glad you got out of bed to take this shot because I think it is one of the best full moon shots I've seen this round...

Happy days