But it was a pretty good-sounding manifesto I wrote in my last post.
What I discovered in the last month of mulling this all over was that I have to leave the how out of it!
I decided to start simply. What am I interested in?
An artist is who I am. Of that I am certain. But, what is Susan The Artist interested in doing with all that creativity and talent?
If I think of my life as a circle, then I have no beginning and no end. I am flowing on the periphery of that circle somewhere. I need to focus on where it is that I am on the circle.
I am an artist mentor for homeless and/or abused children. In other words, all the children I mentor are homeless, but not all have been abused. I spend most of my disposable income on art supplies for them. Supplies are expensive. I have all but stopped creating my own art. I have inadvertently gotten more involved with coaching and mentoring than I have in creating my own art. At this point in my journey, I realize that I am out of balance, which means I need to make a shift.
"Get in tune to the frequency of being an artist and coaching
people to heal using art to heal."
This is a very circular thought.
Get in tune to the frequency of being an artist and coaching people to heal using art to heal. Using art to heal get in tune to the frequency of being an artist and coaching people to heal.
What interests me led me to the how.
How? Use art to heal.